Sunday, April 23, 2006

"'Browse Web Application Here" Explorer Context Menu

I Wish I Knew Now What I Knew Then - Browse WebApp Here


The code is available
here. The zip comes with a .reg file that you need to edit to include the fully qualified path the executable, the readme.txt shows and example. After it is installed you should be able to right click on a folder and see this
Select ’Browse Web Application Here’ and Cassini should start and a browser page should be opened connecting to the web site. You will need Visual Studio 2005 installed (Cassini is shipped with VS 2005).


That’s a cool hack. Included in the download is the C# 2 code as well as the reg file, exe, etc.

I’ve tested it a couple times and it seems to work well. The only problem I had was with a folder with a space in the name (like C:\Documents and Settings\...). But since we have the source we can fix that if need be...

All in all a pretty simple yet cool utility.

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