Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Interview Question Worksheets from Microsoft

Education Competencies: Interview Worksheets

"Use the Interview Worksheets during the interview process to assess a candidate’s level of proficiency for this competency. Competency questions are included along with space to note the candidate’s response and your thoughts about it. After the interview, use your notes to rate the candidate’s overall proficiency level within this competency."

Do you always feel like you are reinventing the wheel when you’re interview someone? Or maybe feel like your interview questions are too ad-hoc? That maybe you’d like a little help in coming up with some standard questions to ask?

Then check out this download. Don’t let the title throw you, this is actually 37 different worksheets for download, each with 3+, that cover many/most common interview areas.

Here’s a reformatted version of the worksheet list...

Action Oriented - Interview Worksheet.doc
Assessing Talent - Interview Worksheet.doc
Building Effective Teams - Interview Worksheet.doc
Comfort Around Authority - Interview Worksheet.doc
Conflict Management - Interview Worksheet.doc
Creativity - Interview Worksheet.doc
Customer Focus - Interview Worksheet.doc
Dealing with Ambiguity - Interview Worksheet.doc
Decision Quality and Problem Solving - Interview Worksheet.doc
Developing Others - Interview Worksheet.doc
Directing Others - Interview Worksheet.doc
Drive for Results - Interview Worksheet.doc
Functional - Technical Skills - Interview Worksheet.doc
Integrity and Trust - Interview Worksheet.doc
Intellectual Acumen - Interview Worksheet.doc
Interpersonal Skill - Interview Worksheet.doc
Learning on the Fly - Interview Worksheet.doc
Listening - Interview Worksheet.doc
Managerial Courage - Interview Worksheet.doc
Managing and Measuring Work - Interview Worksheet.doc
Managing Relationships - Interview Worksheet.doc
Managing Through Processes Systems - Interview Worksheet.doc
Managing Vision and Purpose - Interview Worksheet.doc
Motivating Others - Interview Worksheet.doc
Negotiating - Interview Worksheet.doc
Organizational Agility - Interview Worksheet.doc
Organizing - Interview Worksheet.doc
Personal Learning and Development - Interview Worksheet.doc
Planning - Interview Worksheet.doc
Presentation Skills - Interview Worksheet.doc
Priority Setting - Interview Worksheet.doc
Strategic Agility and Innovation Management - Interview Worksheet.doc
Technical Learning - Interview Worksheet.doc
Time Management - Interview Worksheet.doc
Timely Decision Making - Interview Worksheet.doc
Valuing Diversity - Interview Worksheet.doc
Written Communications - Interview Worksheet.doc

See what I mean about covering most of the common bases? ;)

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