Saturday, July 03, 2010

Windows Live Writer 2011, aka Wave 4, shortcut keys (No you’re not going crazy, some have changed)

Aaron's Live Writer Blog - Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Live Writer Wave 4 beta

“Adding the Ribbon UI to Windows Live Writer gave us a chance to also look at the keyboard shortcuts for the product as a whole.  Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use in the Live Writer beta.  We tried to match the same shortcuts used in Office applications looking specifically at Word since it is the most common to Live Writer.  I should note that these are for the English build. Some may be localized for a specific language or locale.


For a while there, using the new Windows Live Writer 2011 (wave 4) I thought it a little busted. A few of the keyboard shortcuts I used in nearly every post didn’t work anymore. (like CTRL-L to insert a photo, CTLR-SHIFT-V for the past dialog, etc).

But nope, not borked, just changed.


This bugs me a bit… My main whine (yeah, yeah, I know this is beta… that’s why it’s just a whine) is that the keyboard shortcuts are not easily discoverable. Without the above post, how would I have known what they were? I like the Ribbon UI in general, and hope WLW’s implementation is still very beta and improves. For example I would REALLY like to editing/customizing, keyboard shortcuts in the tooltips, i.e. a more complete and full Ribbon UI implementation. </whine>

(via Windows Observer - Windows Live Writer Wave 4 Keyboard Shortcuts)

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