Thursday, September 06, 2012

"Introducing Windows Server 2012 [RTM Edition]" Free eBook (PDF/Mobi/EPub) from Microsoft Press

Microsoft Press - Free ebook: Introducing Windows Server 2012 (RTM Edition)


Mitch Tulloch has updated his very popular free ebook on Windows Server 2012 based on the RTM version of the software. 

A key feature of this book is the inclusion of sidebars written by members of the Windows Server team, Microsoft Support engineers, Microsoft Consulting Services staff, and others who work at Microsoft. These sidebars provide an insider’s perspective that includes both “under-the-hood” information concerning how features work, and strategies, tips, and best practices from experts who have been working with the platform during product development.

Please see the links below to download one or all of the available formats. 

PDF, EPUB, MOBI [GD: Click through for the download links]

If you prefer a hard copy of the book, you can order it here for $14.99 from our official distributor, O’Reilly Media.

Introducing Windows Server® 2012 RTM Edition

Get a head start evaluating Window Server 2012—with technical insights from a Microsoft MVP who’s worked extensively with the beta release. This practical introduction illuminates new features and capabilities, with scenarios demonstrating how the platform can meet the needs of your business.

Based on final, release-to-manufacturing (RTM) software, this book provides the high-level information you need to begin preparing now for deployment and management. Topics include:

  • Virtualization and cloud solutions
  • Availability
  • Provisioning and storage management
  • Security and scalability
  • Infrastructure options
  • Server configuration and administration

Some snaps from the PDF;


Snip from the Introduction;

Windows Server 2012 is probably the most significant release of the Windows Server platform ever. With an innovative new user interface, powerful new management tools, enhanced Windows PowerShell support, and hundreds of new features in the areas of networking, storage, and virtualization, Windows Server 2012 can help IT deliver more while reducing costs. Windows Server 2012 also was designed for the cloud from the ground up and provides a foundation for building both public and private cloud solutions to enable businesses to take advantage of the many benefits of cloud computing.

This book provides a technical overview of Windows Server 2012 and is intended to help IT professionals familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the new platform. This present edition also replaces the earlier preview edition, with screenshots and feature descriptions now being based on RTM instead of Beta.

Direct from the source
A key feature of this book is the inclusion of sidebars written by members of the Windows Server team, Microsoft Support engineers, Microsoft Consulting Services staff, and others who work at Microsoft. These sidebars provide an insider’s perspective that includes both “under-the-hood” information concerning how features work, and strategies, tips, and best practices from experts who have been working with the platform during product development. Sidebars are highlighted in the text and include the contributor’s name and title at the bottom.

In short if you've been hearing about Windows Server 2012, but that's about it, and want to know a little more, this free ebook is a click away...


Related Past Post XRef:
"Introducing Windows Server 2012" Free eBook (PDF/Mobi/EPub) from Microsoft Press

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