Monday, July 18, 2005

Index your Browser Cache with Windows Desktop Search

The Code Project - Indexing your complete browser history using MSN Desktop Search - Internet & Network

"The MSN Desktop Search application is an evolutionary version of the standard Indexing Service that has been shipping as part of Windows since Windows 2000. They both make use of the same IFilter components to allow third parties to add indexing support for their file formats. One of the standard IFilter components is one that parses html documents. The beta version of MSN Desktop Search included an option to index your web browser history but this feature was removed from the final version due to privacy concerns.

I often find myself searching for a web page that I remember reading a couple of months ago. If I then use Google or MSN to search for the page it can take me a long time to find the same page again since you're often overwhelmed with other pages containing your search term but rather than being the page you want they're sales pages.

The ideal would be to perform an indexed search based on some terms you remember reading in the page but limiting the search to only pages you've actually visited on the web. In other words if you had a complete copy as opposed to just a small cached subset of every web page you've visited then you could use a local desktop search against this complete browser history ..."

If you're using the Windows Desktop Search, and you want to index/search your browser history/cache, then you might find this interesting.

If you're not using Windows Desktop Search, but still want to index/search your history, then check out the Recall toolbar (my pasy post, Recall homepage). Recall is nice cause its very focused, easy to install, doesn't come with a ton of other crud and is fast.

(via SQL Full Text Search -
Windows Desktop Search app to index your IE cache... )

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