Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hacking Elevators (Truth or Urban Legend?)


'The designers of some elevators include a hidden feature that is very handy if you're in a hurry or it's a busy time in the building (like check-out time in a hotel). While some elevators require a key, others can be put into 'Express' mode by pressing the 'Door Close' and 'Floor' buttons at the same time. This sweeps the car to the floor of your choice and avoids stops at any other floor. This seems to work on Most elevators that I have tried! Most elevators have the option for this to work, but on some of them the option is turned off by whoever runs them. This is a rather fun hack, so the next time you are on an elevator, give it a try, you have nothing to lose, And this concludes Hacking Elevators 101!

Elevators that have been tested and worked on:
Otis Elevators (All But The Ones Made In 1992),
Dover (Model Numbers: EL546 And ELOD862),
And Most Desert Elevators(All, But Model Numbers ELD5433 And ELF3655) ""

I don't have a chance to test this, so I can't say if this actually works or if it's just wishful thinking. But being a developer, I know I would put in some sort of shortcut if I were designing a like system... (come on... You know you would too...)

(Via LA Metroblog - Hacking Elevators...)

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