Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The .NET Developer Community Program (DCP) from Telligent

Alex Lowe : Announcing the .NET Developer Community Program

"... Today, we are announcing our brand new .NET Developer Community Program (.NET DCP). The .NET DCP will allow community sites built around .NET to make use of our Community Server software and all Telligent made add-ons at no cost. All sites that wish to participate in the .NET DCP will have to adhere to a set of requirements (listed below) and will have to be reviewed by folks on the Community Server team. We feel that the bar is set at an appropriate height and many .NET community sites will qualify so we encourage you to take a look at the information below and let us know if you are interested.
What is the .NET Developer Community Program?

The .NET Developer Community Program provides Community Server technology to anyone who wishes to build a .NET focused community site. The program provides you, the developer, with all the tools needed to build an attractive and highly functional community site.

The .NET Developer Community Program entitles the community owner to the following software:
Community Server (Community License)
Enterprise NNTP Server
Enterprise FTP Server
All other existing add-ons
Future add-ons produced by Telligent


What are the requirements for gaining access to the .NET Developer Community Program?

The following must be true:
You intend to run a publicly accessible community site
Your community site is a non-profit venture
Your community site is focused on Microsoft/.NET technology


Wow. That pretty much rocks. What a cool move by Telligent...

Now if MS were to provide free/very cheap web hosting of this tech from Telligent, now THAT would be offically really cool!

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