Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mouse Wheel for Visual Basic 6.0 IDE Update

Mouse wheel events do not work in the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE

The Mouse Wheel add-in for the VB6 IDE has been updated and released.

Yeah, I know this add-in has been blogged about before, but what I didn't know and think is cool, is that the current maintainer blog's about his work on it.

For example, here's the blog post that prompted the release of this latest version, More updates for the VB6/VBA mouse wheel fix.

Also I didn't realize that the source is included with the add-in (you can tell I've never downloaded/used it before can't you?).

Since I'm sure to have a few more years left in VB6 (no matter how hard I fight to move everything to VB8[aka VB.Net 2, aka VS 2005, aka .Net Framework 2.0, etc, etc]), this might come in handy.

(via robgruen's WebLog - Latest VB6/VBA MouseWheel updates have been published to Q837910)

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