Saturday, September 10, 2005

My blog made a local newspaper...

Ventura County goes Blog Wild

How cool. My blog, among others, was profiled in the VCReporter.

In the cover article at that! :)

Good article Molly (and team), thank you...

Update #1: The article has been moved off the feature page (as you would expect). In the short term, here's the google cached version of the article...


  1. Your link needs updated because they changed it.

  2. They sure did... Thanks.

    Now if only I could find where they've archived it too...

    Here's the google cached version until it appears in their archive.


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Please see my comment policy for more information if you are interested.


PS. I am proactively moderating comments. Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...