Thursday, September 01, 2005

My Next/First Ad Sense Check Goes to Katrina Relief

Scott at Lazycoder has a great idea, one which I am going to shamelessly copy. "... For the month of september, any money I make off of the ads I’m going to donate to the hurricane relief..."

I'll tell you what. My next, which will be my first, check amount from Google Ad Sense will go to the American Red Cross. It doesn't matter if the check comes next month, or in the coming months. Also doesn't matter the amount of the check. I will donate the entire amount of my next(first) Ad Sense check. I'll donate the amount of the check, the day I receive it...

Google only cuts checks monthly and only when the amount is over $100. I've only got 20% to go to get that first check...

You can find my Ad Sense panel on the right side of my blog, down the page a bit. It's kind of buried, I know (I only added it to see if I could).

You'll have to trust me that when I get the check that I will donate that amount... But it's time for a little trust, isn't it?

Thank you

Related Past Post X-Ref:
American Red Cross -Donation

1 comment:

  1. I've clicked on all your ads. Actually learned a few things in the process so it wasn't a total waste.


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