Monday, September 12, 2005

PDC Swag #2 – Framework Design Guidelines book

I informally switched my pre-conference session from the “Adding Integration, Analysis & Reporting Functionality to Your Application Through SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence” to “Framework Design Guidelines: The Art of Building a Reusable Class Library” today.

Those registered for this session received the book, “Framework Design Guidelines”. Luckily there were extra, so I was able to get a copy too… Which was very cool, as the book looks nice (and I like books, especially when they are free…).

The samples in the book are C#, but that’s okay, as I’m getting good at just-in-time mental VB.Net conversion (as I’m sure many/most VB.Net coders are too).

Okay, I have to actually listen to this session now… ;)

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