Thursday, October 20, 2005

Free Blogger 2.0 .NET Component

Blogger 2.0 .NET Component (free)

"This is a free .NET component that can be used in C# and VB.NET applications, as well as in ASP.NET web sites. It provides a Blogger API for managing blogs at It can create new posts, edit existing posts, delete posts, and download blog posts. ..."

Very cool. And if you like this, you have to check out all the other free tools on the Open Intelligence Data ™ home page.

There are ActiveX and .Net libraries for Movable Type, Yahoo Site Explorer, Technorati, MetaWeblog, RSS, Atom, Social Bookmarking (i.e., plus some more utilities (like a spider, domain info, web search, etc).

So pretty much tons of fun. It looks like a binary distrib only... Since it comes in MSI form only, I'm going to try and find some time to spin up a VPC to check it out first (or most likely I'll be lazy and just install it... sigh)

I wonder how hard it would be to whip up a Blogger backup utility with this? That was my first thought when I saw this. Based on the API docs it looks easy (famous last words).

As I've posted before, I've used htaccess WinHTTrack to download my site in the past. I've also used Acrobat's ability to grab web sites. Using Acrobat this last weekend to grab my entire site took about 40 hours and ended up with a 6K+ page PDF. I've pretty much hit the wall with that method... :

Gee another off time project? Imagine that! :)



  1. Try for a good blogger backup...

  2. Dogh!

    That's what I REALLY meant when I wrote "...I've used htaccess to download ..." above.

    It was WinHTTrack that I was really refering to.

    And you're right, it works well as a blogger/web site backup.

    Thanks for keeping me honest. :)


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