Monday, May 08, 2006

Randy Holloway Unfiltered - Share Your OPML- A very useful OPML application

"TechCrunch notes the revamped OPML sharing application from Dave Winer,, or Share Your OPML. I’m a big fan of this app because I always want to find new things to read and seeing what other people are reading is a great way to do that. It is also a sobering reality check for me as to how many readers some blogs have versus others (e.g. hardly anyone is reading my site).

I’ve uploaded my current OPML if you’re interested... 

It’s weird to see myself listed in the Top 10 Most Prolific Subscribers (725 feeds). Now all I need to do is to not subscribe to the different arrogate feeds (, etc,etc), but instead to each of the blogger’s distinct feeds...

Then again, maybe that would just be insane (and a feed count that I don’t think I really want to know I’m following/reading). alone has 2821 distinct feeds at this time. Add that to to my feed count... Oh yeah, I REALLY don’t want to know the hard number of bloggers I’m following... :|

Anyway, it’s not a contest... (say it with me, "it’s not a contest... it’s not a contest..." :)

Then again, if you ask my wife, she might think a contest for the highest subscribed count IS indeed a contest. A stupidity contest... DOGH! (Can you tell she’s a geek? ;)

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1 comment:

  1. I've already been pushed out of the Top 10 Most Prolific (not that I'm checking... ;)

    "It's not a contest... It's not..."


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