Thursday, June 08, 2006

MSDN Wiki Now Open...

MSDN Wiki Blog - Announcing MSDN Wiki!

"We publicly released MSDN Wiki this morning, at .Check it out and let us know what you think.You can post feedback here in our blog, or file bugs and suggestions in the MSDN Wiki Connect Workspace.

What is MSDN Wiki?

The MSDN Wiki site experiments with ways we can integrate community contributions into the Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 documentation.This is phase one.On the current site you can add content and edit other people’s contributions in a wiki-like fashion around the official Microsoft-authored docs. In the future we want to take this further by allowing people to edit the Microsoft-authored docs directly. Let us know what you want to see!" [Leached in full]

An interesting experiment... as long as the smack-tards are kept under control...


  1. This appears to be MS's version of a mind-meld, no?


  2. How do you think this will affect C# Online.NET? It has been up for months.

    C# Online.NET

    A wiki-based C# and .NET resource featuring articles, code snippets, forums, study guides, and tutorials.

  3. Hard to say... The MSDN wiki is more of a comment wiki than anything else. It's not a traditional wiki like csharp-online.

    So people who want to take part in a traditional wiki are more likely to go to a site like yours than to MSDN wiki. Those that like tweak/comment on existing MSDN doc's will go there. There's really little overlap, IMHO.


NOTE: Anonymous Commenting has been turned off for a while... The comment spammers are just killing me...

ALL comments are moderated. I will review every comment before it will appear on the blog.

Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...

I reserve, and will use, the right to not approve ANY comment for ANY reason. I will not usually, but if it's off topic, spam (or even close to spam-like), inflammatory, mean, etc, etc, well... then...

Please see my comment policy for more information if you are interested.


PS. I am proactively moderating comments. Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...