Monday, June 05, 2006

Virtual PC 2004, Ubuntu and Video Display Issues

Kevin Lam's Web Log - Virtual PC 2004 Tip: Installing Other Operating Systems
"If you like operating systems like me, no doubt you've recently tried to install Ubuntu 6.06 and have run into some installation problems with Virtual PC 2004 SP1 related to display issues.  Try this trick:
  1. Move the selection to "Install In Safe Graphics Mode" (second option)
  2. Hit F6 to modify the install options.
  3. Enter "vga=771" before the double dashes "--".
  4. Hit Enter.
The install should work fine from there on in..." [Content leached almost in full]
Another cool VPC video tip...

Related Past Post XRef:
[tip] Knoppix cheat code for Virtual PC Video


  1. Thanks, This worked for me!

  2. thanks a lot. works with vpc7.0.2 on mac

  3. Hey, Greg. Thanks a lot for this tip! It worked fine for me! :) Keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you very much. I wouldn't have found that without this post.

  5. Million thanx!!! I'm new to Linux and I was planning to throw it away... but now I think I'm not gonna sleep ;-)
    thanx again

  6. Well this is better than before, but my install of 6.10 keeps ending up at 1600x600x8. Any ideas on another tip to fix the resolution? help I am new to the Linux world. Thanks.

  7. This definitely made some sort of difference in the right direction, but now I'm stuck at a brown, blank screen with the cursor in the middle (which won't move). Any other suggestions?

  8. I was just reading about someone today with graphic issues with 7.10...

    Try this and see if it helps any...
    Installing Ubuntu on Virtual PC 2007

    For the mouse issue, check out the post referenced by Egilh, Making Ubuntu 7.04 Work Under Virtual PC 2007, "...To fix the mouse in a more permenant manner, we'll need to add a kernel parameter to the GRUB loader. Here's how..."

    I hope this helps,


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