Friday, September 29, 2006

Missing Base VHD (Base01.VHD) from Orcas September CTP VPC... (Make sure you ALSO download the VSCTPBase.exe)

I'm RTFI now, but it looks like there's an issue with the Visual Studio Orcas CTP Virtual PC image download.

It downloads fine and extracts with no problems (creating a 9.27GB VSSep2006CTP.vhd and 11K VSSep2006CTP.vmc).

But when launching the VMC, I get the below dialog;

Um... err... Base01.VHD? Um... nope, doesn't exist and wasn't in the download.

It seems like the VSSep2006CTP.vhd was a Differencing VHD and that the base/parent VHD wasn't provided. Or maybe I'm having a brain cramp...?

Time to look up the support/feedback options...

Update #1 9/26/2006 @ 10:03AM (PDT):

I WAS having a brain cramp! As Dustin pointed out in the comments, there's a link to download the base image in the Installation Instructions

  • "Download the Base image (one-time only): Save the self-extracting base image VSCTPBase.exe and extract to a folder on your computer. This base contains the Operating system and is common to all "Orcas" CTPs. "
  • Stupid Greg... I KNEW I should have RTFI better (but then again, I did scan them a couple times and still kept missing that reference... I wonder how many other people will too?).

    BTW, I really dig the Base Image/Differencing usage. That should save us users/downloaders a good bit of time with future CTP's.

    Related Past Post XRef:
    Visual Studio "Orcas" September CTP Virtual PC Download


    1. Go back to the Microsoft download page and read the System Requirements section. There is a link to download the Visual Studio Code Name Orcas Base Image.

    2. You rock, thanks Dustin.

      Downloading it now.

      Now if only I could wipe the egg off my face... :|

    3. Don't worry, you're not the only one out there who can't read. :-)

    4. I was running into the same problem, thanks for the info...


    5. Same problem here to! a google search for base01.vhd brought me here with the correct solution, cheers

    6. I have downloaded the base image, but when I opened the CTP image under the instructions, VPC 2007 tells me that the base image have been modified. And the password P@ssw0rd can not allow me to login. Have you encountered this problem?

    7. No, I've not seen or heard of that one (relating to the Orcas CTP's)...

      But one thing to note, the Administrator may have changed to "P2ssw0rd"

      At least that's the password listed in the latest March 2007 CTP (here

      I've not had a chance to download the March 2007 CTP yet, so I can't verify the password...

      I wish I could have been more help,


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