Monday, December 18, 2006

C#/VB.Net Coding Guidelines

SubMain.Blog() - Free C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines ebook download

"We obtained exclusive distribution rights to the latest version of Steve Sartain's C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines 100+ page ebook, and are offering free download from our website. From now on we will be maintaining the guidelines along with the author.

C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines

Topics covered in C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines include:

  • Naming Guidelines
  • Class Member Usage Guidelines
  • Guidelines for Exposing Functionality to COM
  • Error Raising & Handling Guidelines
  • Array Usage Guidelines
  • Operator Overloading Usage Guidelines
  • Guidelines for Casting Types
  • Common Design Patterns
  • Callback Function Usage
  • Time-Out Usage
  • Security in Class Libraries
  • Threading Design Guidelines
  • Formatting Standards
  • Commenting Code
  • Code Reviews
  • Additional Notes for VB .NET Developers


Here's the first paragraph from the Overview;

"This document is a working document - it is not designed to meet the requirement that we have “a” coding standard but instead it is an acknowledgment that we can make our lives much easier in the long term if we all agree to a common set of conventions when writing code.


Additional thoughts on coding guidelines is something I find interesting.

Even at first glance I like it, in its usage of "guidelines". Every since reading Code Complete a million years ago and its comments on Guidelines vs Standards I've tried to follow Steve's advice and use/implement Guidelines. [In my mind, Guidelines = Smart practices we do because we know it makes our lives easier vs Standards = Stuff we have to do and hate it because we have no choice and have to do it.]

Anyway, the PDF is 104 pages, and printable....

(via vb:feeds -  Free C#/VB .NET Coding Guidelines ebook download)

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