Thursday, December 21, 2006

The "Real Man" School of Commenting

secretGeek - The Macho School Of Programming

"If you've got time to write comments -- you've got time to refactor.

If you've got time to refactor, you've got time to write unit tests.

If you've got time to write unit tests, you've got time to redesign the system.

If you've got time to redesign, you've got time to drink.

Have a beer. Comments are for sissies." [Post leached in full]

This gave me a good laugh this morning...


NOTE: Anonymous Commenting has been turned off for a while... The comment spammers are just killing me...

ALL comments are moderated. I will review every comment before it will appear on the blog.

Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...

I reserve, and will use, the right to not approve ANY comment for ANY reason. I will not usually, but if it's off topic, spam (or even close to spam-like), inflammatory, mean, etc, etc, well... then...

Please see my comment policy for more information if you are interested.


PS. I am proactively moderating comments. Your comment WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I approve it. This may take some hours...