Friday, December 22, 2006

System Tray, Clipboard Contents Spell Checker

The Sprage Page!System Wide Spell Check

"I have a bit of a problem spelling due to my dyslexia, to help me with this I wrote an application that spell checks copied text. This application can be run anywhere in windows by a combination of keys or the application menu, accessed via the system tray. Feel free to use this application as much as you like...

This application is written by me using VB.Net as well as C# and the entire source is availble here, if you would like to see how it works. The spell check control I used is called NetSpell. I have changed this control a little bit but mostly just for looks. The system wide hot key control I found at The Code Project I modified it a little so I could change the hotkey at runtime and return the current selected hotkey as a text value."

Nice. Got to love the power of the Net... A little bit of this, a little of that and there's a new application available.

Given my spelling skills, this might come in handy.

(via dzone - System Wide Spell Check

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for the post, hope my little app comes in handy.


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