Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Totally (Remove, Clean, Nuke, etc) Uninstall VS 2005 Utility

Quan To's Visual Studio 2005 Setup blog - The big hammer (vs 2005 uninstall tool)

"During the Visual Studio 2005 product cycle, we realized we needed a tool to wipe out the final released bits on a customer's machine in case things went wrong.  We published a tool that did that for CTPs and Betas but not for the final RTM bits.

I've been asked for a tool to remove VS 2005 several times the last few weeks so I figure I'll just post the link to it here:


Note - the tool is not officially supported in any way and should only be used as your last resort if you can't remove VS 2005 from your machine.  It will remove all the products VS installed so some of your applications may stop working after running this tool." [Post leached in full]

Need to remove VS 2005?

Tried everything else, but nothing seems to work?

Need a bigger hammer?

Then the above Last Resort VS 2005 Uninstall utility maybe be just what you are looking for...

But please note the note... It's not supported, will totally nuke VS 2005 off your machine, could jack up anything relying on some VS 2005 component or dependency, use at your own risk, your mileage may vary, etc, etc...


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