Sunday, December 31, 2006


Rodney Vinyard - Microsoft .NET & SQL Developer - XSLT to HTML Primer

"This tutorial will focus on the generation of HTML documents.

XSLT is a programming language for translating an Input XML Document into another format, say an HTML Output Document.


Rescuing XSLT from Niche Status. A Gentle Introduction to XSLT through HTML Templates, David Jacobs


So how do we solve this problem and help deliver XSLT’s promise to the masses?  For XSLT to be successful it must be presented and used in a way that adopts those attributes discussed earlier (reuse of knowledge, fast start, and gradualism). This tutorial will attempt to ease XSLT’s introduction by focusing on these attributes. First, it is only going to focus on the generation of HTML documents and users who are familiar with HTML. If your goal is to immediately start transforming one XML document into another XML document this tutorial is not for you.

The second is to reframe the problem so the XSLT solutions programmers write are more naturally extensible and intuitive. Instead of trying to translate an XML source document into an HTML presentation document, the programmer should see the XML document as a complex data structure with XSLT providing powerful tools for extracting that information into their HTML documents. This allows us to leverage the experience most people have with using an HTML templating language (e.g. ASP, PHP, JSP, Cold Fusion, Web Macro, etc). These templating languages are all based on the basic premise that HTML comes first and all enhancements are then embedded in special tags.

With some caveats, this tutorial will show how XSLT can be used in this same way. The benefit of this approach is it allows the quick use of many of XSLT’s powerful functions while letting you learn its more esoteric capabilities as the need arises. In addition the resulting XSLT files are more intuitive and maintainable. ..."

Rodney Vinyard - Microsoft .NET & SQL Developer - Dataset to XML then transform with XSLT to HTML on WebForm

Because I'm going to use XSLT to transform the incoming ATOM XML from the GData component in my Blogger Backup utility to other formats (BlogML, HTML, DocX, etc) these articles are nice and timely.

To say that I have a learning curve on using XSLT and using it in .Net is putting it mildly... ;)

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