Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Because I was cleaning my office and found boxes and boxes of them - How to Make a Starship Enterprise Out of a Floppy Disk

wikiHow - How to Make a Starship Enterprise Out of a Floppy Disk

"Floppy disks are a thing of the past. However, that doesn't mean you have to toss them in a garbage can. Pay a tribute to another thing of the past (or, the future?)--The Starship Enterprise--and you can reminisce and recycle at the same time!


I have to have hundreds, if not more, 3 1/2 floppies filling some Iron Mountain boxes. Floppies that I won't just throw away without destroying first as I don't know what data is on them...

Maybe instead of destroying them I can repurpose them as my own starship fleet.  ;)

(via Marc's 2nd Blog - How to Make a Starship Enterprise Out of a Floppy Disk)

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