Monday, January 29, 2007

Cropper 1.9.1 Released (Includes Vista Compatibility)

Brian Scott - Cropper 1.9 Released

"After a long break I’m back working on Cropper. I’ve been a bit under the weather lately so I used my free time to get a little work done on it.

Thanks to Jon Galloway for some suggestions and testing the new plug-in functionality. Also to Scott Isaacs for the predefined sizes suggestion and testing.\


>>More info and download

1) .Net Framework 2.0....

2) Vista Compatibility....

3) Predefined Sizes....

4) Alt+PrintScreen Captures Stay on Clipbaord....

5) Configurable Plug-In Support....

6) Promt File Name Template Bug Fixed...


Cropper rocks. 'nuff said.


  1. Thanks for pointing to this tool, it's really really useful!

  2. Indeed, I just used it for the screenshots of my latest post (a tutorial about Web sites translation) and it saved me quite some time!


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