Friday, January 12, 2007

Domino's now has Online Ordering. My Waistline is never going to be the same (like it wasn't already jacked up enough).

Domino's Online Ordering

I've just discovered that Domino's now has online ordering. I just finished ordering the family dinner and all I have to say is, "Oh my... this sucks". This sucks because it's WAY to easy to use. Damn you Domino's!

Adding pizza's is just a click away and you can tweak them to your heart's content (extra this, add that, none of that.. put this on the right side, this on the left, etc). Adding sides is just as easy. And as you would expect, you can save your contact/payment info so future orders are even easier.

Oh my...

And best of it, it's all pretty much real-time.

As I read the order confirmation, I realized I entered my callback number incorrectly. So I called my local Domino's (which the online order said would fulfil my order) and told them I had just placed an order and that the phone number was wrong. They immediately responded, "You mean this one..." reading back the incorrect number, which we then corrected. That's a connected, real-time brick-and-click! Nice...

Needless to say, so far I'm a very happy (and hungry... hurry up driver guy!) online Domino's customer.

Wait, he just drove up... Dinner time!


  1. whoa, thats crazy that they have online ordering. Man the internet is used for everything. Its sort of scary, but either way i hope you enjoyed your pizza:D

  2. Not sure what exists where you live but Pizza Hut and Papa Johns both have online ordering. Have had it for years...

  3. Didn't know that... Still even if I did, I'm not sure we would have gone with them.

    We've been a happy Domino's family for years. Funny how you get used to things and stuck in a rut.

    One of the things that put us off most with our fav pizza company was the call in battle. Being on hold, language barriers, wrong orders, etc, etc.

    Now that our pizza is available to order online... speaking of which, I'm hungry, it's breakfast time and there's left-over's...


  4. If you can do this for around $1500 - an-.--.--dre-.-.-iz-illa at do.t c.ome. minus the . and -


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