Monday, January 29, 2007

PDF 1.7 Released to ISO for Standardization

Adobe to Release PDF for Industry Standardization

"SAN JOSE, Calif. — Jan. 29, 2007 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that it intends to release the full Portable Document Format (PDF) 1.7 specification to AIIM, the Enterprise Content Management Association, for the purpose of publication by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Adobe will release the full PDF 1.7 specification as defined in the PDF Reference Manual available at to AIIM for the purpose of submission to ISO. The joint committee formed under AIIM will identify issues to be addressed, as well as proposed solutions, and will develop a draft document that will then be presented to a Joint Working Group of ISO for development and approval as an International Standard. ..."

Seems logical to back PDF's with an "official" standard, doesn't it? I wonder if released to the ISO sooner, if there'd still have been the Office 2007 Save As PDF issue?

In any case, I think it's a great move...

(via Scobleizer - Breaking news: Adobe to release PDF to ISO)

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