Friday, March 02, 2007

30 Videos for the New Programmer & XNA Developer - Video Downloads

" provides video instructions for beginners wanting to get into game programming."

These 30 videos, hours of content, were put together by an amateur programmer, Joran Omark, who is learning to program, using XNA as his motivator.

It's introductory content, great for someone who is just learning to program and who wants to get up to speed on XNA.

The videos/source/etc are downloadable, so easy to view and use offline.

For more ringing endorsements, check out the extremely positive post comments...

(via Miguel Campos Blog - XNA Tutorial)

Related Past Post XRef:
Free XNA Book


  1. Thanks for posting this! my stepson wants to make games and I'm passing this along!

  2. Thank you, Greg! Kind words.

    I have some hole in my schedule this upcoming week, so I expect to get some work on done. Maybe even have timet o make a video or two.


  3. It's nice to have those first breakthru's on camera :)


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