Tuesday, March 27, 2007

CodePlex Source Control Client Beta Released

CodePlex WeblogAnnouncing the CodePlex Source Control Client

"A common theme we've heard from our users is the desire to be able to work offline (in the "edit-merge-commit" style) when working on their CodePlex projects. Six months ago, we started working to write such a client that would integrate with our existing TFS server infrastructure, and today we've released our first beta of the client.

The CodePlex Client is a command line client for Windows, and requires .NET 2.0. The online documentation is available here.


Some of the included features are Automated Merging, Anonymous Access and Patch support.

The Patch support looks pretty interesting... But I'll be interested when there's a GUI (sounds like a coding op doesn't it?  :)

(via .Net Adventures  - CodePlex Source Control Client)

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