Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CueCat Scanner, .Net and Amazon REST Lookup's

Coding4Fun's WebLog - Hardware Boneyard - Using the CueCat with .NET


Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Less than 1 hour
Cost: Less Than $50
Software: Visual Basic or Visual C# Express Editions
Hardware: A CueCat - try eBay or your garage
Download: Download

In this installment of "Some Assembly Required" column, Scott Hanselman borrows Travis Illig's CueCat BarCode scanner and creates a plugin for Windows Live Writer than lets him blog more easily about books he's reading. We decode the bar code info, change UPCs into ISBNs, call Amazon's Web Service via REST and integrate with Windows Live Writer all in one article. Whew!


There were a number of things I found cool & interesting items (CueCat bar code scanning, Amazon REST, UPC to ISBN conversion and the WLW integration) in this article.

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