Monday, March 12, 2007

DPack 2.6.1 Released (Last VS2003 Version)

DPack blog - DPack 2.6.1 is out

"New DPack version 2.6.1 is available for download now. This is a major update that features toolwindow mode support for File Browser. Note: this new version is also the last one to support VS.NET 2003.

Here’s what’s new and changed in this version:

  • Updated File Browser to work in two modes - dialog (default) and tool window (new) one. New mode is controlled via new ‘File Browser’ configuration options page available from Options dialog.
  • Added File Browser ‘Ignore File Types’ configuration option.
  • Restructured DPack Tools menu and combined all items under a single menu called DPack.
  • Added Code Browser dialog ‘Default Sort Order’ button. It toggles between sort by line number (default) and sort by member name modes.
  • Removed backup’s ‘Ignore Files’ configuration option.
  • Reworked General configuration page and added ‘Typical Solution Size’ option. This option is used to control browsers search delay.
  • Minor Solution Browser UI improvements.
  • Added ‘Browsers Display Mode’ installation application page.
  • More installation application updates with Windows Vista compatibility.
  • Enabled File Browser, Solution Statistics and Solution Backup support for Ruby in Steel solutions.
  • Fixed memory leak pertaining to all browser features.
  • Miscellaneous fixes and improvements.

The new version is available at Enjoy." [Post leached in full]

Lots of goodness in this release... I like the continued Vista updates and also the consolidated DPack menu.

Note the bold [emphasis by the author] note above that this is the last VS2003 release...

Related Past Post XRef:
DPack 2.5.1 with Visual Studio 2005 (RTM) Support Released
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DPack 2.0 is live
USysWare DPack Home (1.3.2 Released)
USysWare DPack Home [Free VS 2003 Add-ins]

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