Friday, March 30, 2007

Photoshop Vista/Office 2007 Preview Handler Project

The Code Project - Photoshop Preview Handler for Windows Vista


In this article we will create a preview handler for Adobe Photoshop® (PSD) file....

The goal:

  • User clicks on a photoshop file (vista_adobe.psd here) in the windows explorer
  • A readonly preview of the file will be shown in the preview pane as shown above
  • Number of layers in the PSD file will be shown in the tooltip as shown above
  • Dimension/Resolution/Color Depth/Compression information of the file will be available to the user
  • All of these, without the need of an Adobe Photoshop application



The preview handler described here uses a Managed Preview Handler Framework MsdnMagPreviewHandlers.dll which was first described by Stephen Toub here. For those of you who want to jump in and view the preview handler in action can download the zip file containing the framework and Photoshop Preview Handler and follow the ReadMe.txt included...


If you have allot of Photoshop/PSD files I can see where this could come in real handy.

Related Past Post XRef:
Vista/Office 2007 Preview Handler Pack - Preview Handlers for *.CS, *.ASPX, *.SQL
Preview Handler Framework


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