Monday, March 12, 2007

VS Power Toys Pack Installer 1.0 Released

The JPK Experience - Pack Installer 1.0 Released!

"I'm happy to announce that Pack Installer 1.0 is now ready to go! The changes from Beta 2 to 1.0 have not been huge, but there are some improvements I'd like to call out.

  • Tool descriptions are no longer truncated to 256 characters. In addition to getting a preview of the description all the time, you can expand the description to see the whole thing, not just the first chunk of it.
  • Files are now verified to be the correct download before running an installation. Using the MD5 hash of the files we target for download, the Pack Installer checks to see if the file received is the one specified in the feed file. This way you can be sure what you're installing is what you asked for.


Pretty cool...

I really like the idea of a single point of contact/download/info for VS2005 things from MS. It would be very cool to also support third party "toys," Like Reflector, C# Shiznit's VS 2005 add-ins, DPack, etc, etc.

Still it's pretty cool as is (and the C# source being available makes me a happy++ camper  ;)

(via ActiveWin - Power Toys Pack Installer 1.0 Released)

Related Past Post XRef:
Visual Studio Power Toy Pack Installer Beta 2 Released
VS2005 Power Toys Pack Installer

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