Friday, March 23, 2007

Windows Desktop Sharing API in Vista/Longhorn (with C# Sample App)

Terminal Services Team Blog - Writing a Desktop Sharing Application

"Windows Desktop Sharing (WDS) API provides a rich set of API to share your complete desktop or just individual applications. Below is a step-by-step guide to write a sharing application. I have chosen C#/.Net to make things simpler and we will be using Visual Studio 2005 as the IDE.

Windows Desktop Sharing API Introduction:
Windows Desktop Sharing API allows a Windows Desktop Session to be shared across multiple viewers. More information on the API can be found on MSDN at You could also refer to the Windows Desktop Sharing API Introduction blog. Windows Meeting Space & Remote Assistance use WDS API for collaboration and assistance scenarios. Similarly, you can write applications to achieve your sharing, collaboration, assistance, administration and deployment scenarios. 

Object Model of the API: API currently is published as an in-proc COM DLL (RdpEncom.dll) and is available in Vista. There are 2 primary objects that can be created:

  • 1. IRDPSRAPISharingSession - COM object that enables sharing of desktop
  • 2. IRDPSRAPIViewer - ActiveX control that can be embedded into a host window for viewing the sharing session.


I can see where I could really use this. Think about embedding a feature in your app where with one button a user can share their desktop or app with you (or your support staff, etc). Think "Customized and streamlined Remote Assistance" for your app... That would be pretty cool.

This is now toward the top of my "Why Upgrade to Vista" list. To bad it's going to be a year or two until my users upgrade.

Still now that I know about this API, I'll be keeping an eye on it...

1 comment:

  1. hey hi,
    please can you help how can i achieve this for a windows XP screen sharing


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