Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Guitar Hero II for the XBox 360

My son and I just went out and picked up Guitar Hero II 360 and wow... I stink! But I don't think I've had more fun stinking at a game than I have at this.

This is our first Guitar Hero game and I can see why it has such a following.

Time to take some Advil (damn, I have to get in shape... Hero shape!  ;) and to get ready to play some more... 

BYW, here's a good meta-review from XBox 360 Fanboy, As if you need it: Guitar Hero II metareview

1 comment:

  1. We have GH and GH2 for PS2 and love them a lot. My boys are darn good at them. We just picked up Karaoke Revolution: American Idol which my wife and daughter love.

    This Christmas there's a new game called Rock Band coming out which combines the disciplines. It's supposed to be for XBOX360 and PS3.


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