Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tree Surgeon Now Available on CodePlex

Fear and Loathing - Tree Surgeon has a new home... on CodePlex!

"About a week or so ago Mike Roberts posted a note that he was no longer going to be working in the .NET world as the Java world was taking over at his company. Mike is the author of many blog posts on setting up a development tree in .NET and these blog posts spawned a tool called Tree Surgeon. As Mike was no longer going to be working in the .NET space, he threw out the gauntlet for someone to pickup the maintenance for the tool.

I picked it up as I think it's a great tool and can only improve with time. You can find the new home for Tree Surgeon here on CodePlex.

I've setup all the documentation the same as the original site along with putting out version 1.1.1 (the last release)...."

CodePlex - Tree Surgeon

"Have you ever spent a few days setting up a new development tree? Have you ever spent several days setting up several development trees? Have you even spent weeks trying to perfect all your development trees using a set of best practices?

If the answer to any of the above answers is 'yes', then you'll like Tree Surgeon!

Tree Surgeon is a .NET development tree generator. Just give it the name of your project, and it will set up a development tree for you in seconds. More than that, your new tree has years worth of accumulated build engineering experience built right in.


A cool tool has been resurrected... Nice!

Related Past Post XRef:
Tree Surgeon 1.0 [Development Source Directory Tree Setup Utility]

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