Friday, January 11, 2008

Original SimCity Source Code Released - Micropolis (But currently only a Linux version)

Fear and Loathing - SimCity Source Code Released to the Wild! Let the ports begin...

"This past holiday (I've been bugging him since November about it) my good friend Don Hopkins got a lot of work done on the finishing touches on releasing the original SimCity source code under the GNU General Public Library (GPL). The code won't have reference to any SimCity name as that has all be renamed to Micropolis. Micropolis was the original working title of the game and since EA requires that the GPL open source version not use the same name as SimCity (to protect their trademark) a little work had to be done to the code.

There's been changes to the original system like a new splash screen, some UI feedback from QA, etc. The plane crash disaster has been removed as a result of 9/11. What is initially released under GPL is the Linux version based on TCL/Tk, adapted for the OLPC...


I loved SimCity (and I think I may sill have the C64 version somewhere... ;)

So anyone know the effort of getting this to compile for Windows? Or I'm thinking it might just be easer to get/build a OLPC VM (from here, Emulating the XO, or OLPC LiveCD is now available for download for example...)

Anyway, I'm now "keyed" for Micropolis and will be watching...

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