Thursday, January 03, 2008

Windows Clipboard API via C# - ClipSpy+

CodeProject - ClipSpy+

"I had originally planned on calling this application ClipSpy but about midway through the project I thought I had better google it and see if there were anything else associated with this name, lo and behold there was an excellent article right here on CP written be Michael Dunn entitled ClipSpy. After reviewing what Michael had presented I decided to go ahead with my project since; his was written in 2001 and the Clipboard API has changed since then, I was planning on presenting the data differently anyway and going into a little more in depth, this implementation is written in C#, and I wanted to learn about the Clipboard and its inner workings.

So that how ClipSpy+ can to be and hopefully this article will introduce you to the Clipboard in all its glory!

In the following sections we will explore the inner workings of the Clipboard and when we have a basic knowledge of that I will explain how to use the ClipSpy+ application. So lets break down the problem down into manageable chunks;


This is a very cool article on using, accessing, reading and watching the Windows Clipboard from C#.

The code also demonstrates an unusual approach to WinForm design...

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