Friday, February 29, 2008

Another outstanding free PowerShell eBook by Frank Koch, "Administrative tasks using Windows PowerShell: Introduction and examples of how to use the scripting technology in everyday IT administration"

Schweizer IT Professional und TechNet Blog - Free Windows PowerShell workbook: server administration

"Announced a while ago, now finally released: the second free Windows PowerShell booklet is available for download. This time I focus on server administration with Windows PowerShell, from a simple hierarchal storage management solution to user administration in the Active Directory. And I won't miss examples about event logs, SQL databases, WMI or .NET. And of course, Peedy cannot be missed. I round up the book with plenty of partner extensions, most of them free, to make your life as an administrator as easy as possible. ..."

Actually you get two books and two workshops for the price of one download.

The 44 page PDF/XPS "Windows PowerShell: An introduction to scripting technologies for people with no real background knowledge" ebook and the new 78 page PDF/XPS "Administrative tasks using Windows PowerShell: Introduction and examples of how to use the scripting technology in everyday IT administration" ebook.

You are PowerShelling right? Or at least thinking about it? It's on your to-do list, moving quickly toward the top? PowerShell is the wave of the Windows administration future. It's not an if, but a when... so catch the wave, before it crashes down on your...

(via - Interesting Finds: February 29, 2008 -> Windows PowerShell - Frank's At It Again: Another Free PowerShell Book)


Related Past Post XRef:
Free PowerShell Introduction/Getting Started book from MS Switzerland

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