Sunday, February 17, 2008

[Gone] Xobni Invites... Going, going... Gone!

I have five four three two one no Xobni invites left to give out (You've heard all the news about Xobni, right? Bill Gates talking about it... Many MS bloggers, etc?)

First come, first served.

Please email me (gduncan411 <at< hotmail {you know, a dot} com) and I'll send you an invite.

Once all five are gone, I'll update this post to let you all know they are gone [They are all gone now]...


Update #1:
Man I must have written this before my morning coffee. Spelling, etc corrected (thanks David  :)

Update #2:
All the invites are gone... But you can sign up for the Xobni beta on their site and get in that way (when they ramp up the beta) This is how I originally got in...

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