Monday, February 25, 2008

.Net 3.5 Managed Addin Framework Screencasts by Daniel Moth

Channel 9 Forums » Screencasts » Managed AddIn Framework 


The Managed AddIn Framework (MAF) is a set of assemblies that are part of .NET Framework v3.5. They offer a platform for developers to build extensibility into their client applications by enabling addins (aka plugins) to be written for a host. In this 18' video you will learn how to use the MAF. The code is available from my blog.


Version Resilience in the Managed AddIn Framework


In a previous video (part 1), you learnt how to get started with the Managed AddIn Framework (MAF). This video is part 2 and relies on knowledge gained in part 1. In this video you will learn how to enable a v1 AddIn to work with a v2 Host and hence you will see the true value of the MAF pipeline. The code is available from my blog.


The Moth - MAF screencasts

"One of the hidden gems of .NET Framework v3.5 is the Managed AddIn Framework (MAF) that I've touched on before on these 3 short blog posts: AddIn.dll, Windows.Presentation.dll, VSTO dependency on it.

It is not the easiest of technologies to get your head around without some guidance, so I hope you find useful this introductory quickstart 18-minute screencast (part 1). If you are then hungry for more and in particular on how the MAF delivers on version resiliency, then watch my second 18-minute screencast (part 2). You can get all 3 states by downloading this ZIP file of all Visual Studio projects. " [Post leached in full]

More on the Managed Addin Framework (MAF).

Now if only I could watch screencasts during my commute (well it IS Los Angeles... so I guess it would be alright?  lol). Maybe I can catch these on Wednesday when I'm on the train into downtown to catch the VS2008/SQL2008/Win2008 Global Launch event? Sounds like a plan...  :)


Related Past Post XRef:
Managed Extensibility and Add-In Framework CodePlex Project - Meet .Net 3.5 System.Addin and Friends
Managed Addin Framework (MAF)

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