CompletIT - DataGridView Extension
"DataGridView Extension is a free component that extends the standard DataGridView control, provided with .NET 2.0 Framework, benefits the end-users with additional functionality.
By extending your application’s grid with DataGridView Extension, you allow the users to customize the grid in runtime environment. They will be able to specify the background color and borders; default cell formatting, alignment and colors; column and row headers formatting, column sizing etc. In addition the users can apply different format on each column, to reorder, show or hide them.
DataGridView Extension allows the users to export the data within the data grid in several file formats. The data will be exported exactly they see it on the screen. Currently the supported file formats are Microsoft Excel, Html and Pdf.
Moreover, with DataGridView Extension the users are able to print using the build-in print functionality. Additionally they can specify header text to be printed.
The integrated security allows the developers to control what features are accessible for the end-user depending on the application’s logic. The security works on several levels – per grid and column, default security for all grids and columns, extension security.
The DataGridView Extension comes with a set of custom column types that will give the developer additional functionalities of the grid itself. "
CompletIT - DataGridView Extension Freeware Software License Agreement
Freeware License Rights
DataGridView Extension is provided free of charge. Occasionally the copyright holder may post a request for a donation in support of this software. This type of request does not change the classification of this software as freeware. Freeware software may be used as many times as you like, for as long as you like. You may integrate in other applications, copy and distribute copies of this program provided that you keep all copyright notices and disclaimers of warranty intact. You must not charge money or fees for the software product to anyone. You may not modify or extend the freeware to compete with us or by doing so help third parties to compete with us, be it for free or being paid. The copyright holder reserves the right to reclassify this software as a non-freeware product at a later date (i.e. shareware, licensed royalty software, or public domain). Doing so will not modify the license agreement of previously distributed executables.You are allowed to incorporate the Software into proprietary programs.
CompletIT - DataGridView Extension Screenshots
"DataGridView Extension Demo Application
Export to Excel Dialog
Now this seems like a pretty darn cool freeware product, with a commercial usage friendly license (but no source).
If you're working with a DataGridView and for whatever reason don't want, can't use a commercial third party grid, but still want to give your users some powerful grid features, DVGE looks like a "must check out."
Both C# and VB demos are included. 20 pages for Developer doc's (which for a Freeware product is nice). Also included are 27 cool pages of End User doc's (also a very nice in a free product).
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