Fear and Loathing - Omea Open Source, finally... but where?
...few months ago Omea (and Omea Pro) went free and they announced they would release the product as open source at some point in the future. It's been a long time coming and now it appears to be available, or at least the announcement was made:
Dear JetBrains Omea Users,
We are pleased to finally come to you with these news.
We know that many of you were waiting for this news for so long, and we would like to thank you for your patience.....
Problem is, I can't find it? The regular page still offers the 2.2 version and I've combed the Confluence site but can't seem to find a download or the name of the subversion repository to get the code from. I must be blind.
Anyone know where it is?
Update: Michael left a comment that the SVN repository is here."
In browsing the SVN repository, Omea is a .Net application (C#). So if you're interested in seeing the source for a formerly commercial feed reader, then it's time to break out your SVN tools....
Related Past Post XRef:
JetBrains Omea Pro now free (and going open source)
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