Sunday, March 02, 2008

Programmatic access to Outlook Express via the GPL OeLibrary v1.0 COM Component

CodeProject - OeLibrary 1.0

"OELibrary is open source COM based component written in C++. I have created this component long back when I used to work with EfExtra e-solution pvt ltd. There it used to be closed source, paid software, but due to some personal and professional reason, this component has not able to see light of day. After around three year, when I enquired about the same, Saurabh (Director, EfExtra) happily agreed to launch project open source, rather then just lying idle in backup of computer.

His thinking behind this is that, at least programmer community gets benefited of it and the project might get more robust and feature rich after receiving feedback and working (multiple mind instead of single) . This component is released under GPL license. This component is RELEASE AS IS, without any warranties and guarantees.


The aim of this project is to create a programming library which enables automating, or in other words, providing programmatic access to certain tasks in Outlook Express.

The central idea is to provide an easy to use object model to developers who wish to interact and control Outlook Express from their applications. Some of the functions this library aims to provide are:


  • Add, Delete, & Enumerate mail folders in Outlook Express.
  • Enumerate, Read, and Delete messages in a given folder.
  • Move messages from one folder to another.
  • Get selected folder.
  • Notifications for certain events (e.g. new mail).
  • Adding a custom toolbar to Outlook Express and responding to click events on it.
  • Reading OEAccount information.
  • Manipulating the Window Address book!


I've looked for a good OE library in the past and never found one I liked. The downside with this one is that it's straight GPL, which could limit its usage in a commercial/closed source application.

Anyway, if you need programmatic access to Outlook Express, and can handle the license, then this may come in handy.

1 comment:

  1. Hai, you can use OE Library without even mentioning my name..! only downside you have if any problem/harm occur due that I must not be held responsible.. risk is your for using it.. you could take my word on that ;-). that just the code! you can use any way ;-).
    Alok Gupta
    Programmer: OeLibrary 1.0, my mail id is mentioned in the help file ;-), if you n


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