Monday, March 03, 2008

Windows Vista Controls for .NET 2.0 - Give your .Net applications on Vista the "Vista look"...

CodePlex - Windows Vista Controls for .NET 2.0

"This project aims to create a Windows Control Library that provides controls reproducing the appearance of Windows Vista objects, like buttons and links with shield icon, textboxes with cue banner, etc.




Windows Vista Controls for .NET 2.0 - v1.3 Release


The source code is in C#. Currently, the controls use the native APIs available on Windows Vista. The controls have not yet been tested on earlier versions of Windows and do not provide non-native fallback alternatives (they will most likely crash on earlier versions of Vista). A simple interface for checking OS support is available: it is however up to the user to provide UI alternatives for older Windows platforms or for Mono.

What's in this release

  • Controls
    • ShieldButton
    • ComboBox with cue banner
    • CommandLink
    • ListView
    • ProgressBar
    • TextBox with cue banner
    • TreeView
    • ThemedText label (Text on glass effect)
    • SplitButton
  • Modules
    • DWM module (Live thumbnails and glass sheet effect)
    • ThemedText module
    • Task Dialog module (alternative to classic Message boxes)
  • Support
    • OS support (checks if Vista libraries are supported)
    • Glass sheet helpers
  • ..."

    This is a cool suite of controls for your Vista running .Net application.

    (via Reflective Perspective - The Morning Brew #44)


    1. when i drag the vistacontrols.dll into my vb 2010 express window and place any control on the form, i get an error saying that the control is not defined? well it'll be great if you can tell what's wrong. i really liked the excellent work in the included app of the zip file.

      i downloaded the version 1.4.1 from


    2. The best bet would be to post your question on that Project's Discussion board,


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