Sunday, April 27, 2008

Consolas for your Command Prompt

IEBlog - Give Your Eyes a Treat

"If you’re a developer, there’s an easy way to give your eyes a rest and make yourself more productive. Use the Consolas font Microsoft developed specifically for you.


Look at the difference Consolas makes, for instance, in the CMD.EXE window. Here’s what the standard 8 x 12 pixel raster font looks like…

CMD.EXE window with standard raster font

… and here’s Consolas

CMD.EXE Window with Consolas font


Bryn Spears on the Internet Explorer team gave me the following simple instructions to turn on Consolas in the CMD Window:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont" /v 00 /d Consolas


Note: In Windows Vista, you need to run the reg command from an elevated command prompt.

When you log back in, Consolas will be an option in the “Command Prompt” Properties.  (n.b., Bryn tells me it actually shows up before you relog, but it won’t work.)

You can install Consolas on your Windows system even if you don’t have Vista or Office 2007 with a free download from


Consolas has been a favorite font of mine for a while now. It's cool to see it in my Command Prompt window... :)

(via Jeff Lynch [MVP] - Consolas Font: Old Age & Tired Eyes!)


Related Past Post XRef:
Consolas Font Pack for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005


  1. If you are not familiar with "Console" application you should really check it out. It's like Terminal for Windows. I love it. Never ever run cmd...

  2. I’ve tried this ending in not seeing consolas in font list. Here is another way achieving this:


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