Tuesday, April 15, 2008

N-Tier Linq to SQL in VB

Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB - LINQ to SQL N-Tier Smart Client - Part 2 Building the Client

"In my last post we built the service and data access layer for our LINQ to SQL N-Tier application. In this post we'll walk through building a very simple Windows client form that works with our middle-tier.

Adding the Service Reference

Now that we have our middle-tier built it's time to add the service reference to the client project. Sine we have both .NET on the server and the client I'm going to use type sharing so that we can reuse the business objects (LINQ to SQL classes) on both ends. If you recall we we already added a project reference on the client to the OMSDataLayer project that defines these types.


And that's basically it. As you can see even in it's simplest implementation (that I could think of) writing n-tier applications with LINQ to SQL takes some work, especially as the relations between our object collections increase. LINQ to SQL is really just used as the data access technology in the middle-tier, everything on top of that is up to us to implement as we see fit for our particular scenarios. "

Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB - LINQ to SQL N-Tier Smart Client - Part 1 Building the Middle-Tier

"In my previous posts on LINQ to SQL I showed how to build LINQ to SQL classes and set up the data binding in your Windows applications. If you missed them:

Related Data Binding and ComboBoxes with LINQ to SQL

Creating Lookup Lists with LINQ to SQL

One-To-Many (Master-Detail) Forms with LINQ to SQL

Simple Validation with LINQ to SQL Classes

These articles focus on the binding and validation and use a connected model; meaning that the DataContext is alive and available tracking the changes we make to the collections of LINQ to SQL objects. Out of the box, LINQ to SQL is really easy to get working with a connected client-server architecture. As long as your objects are attached to the DataContext you get all the nice features like change tracking and automatic lazy loading of related collections. However, unlike the DataSet, once you disconnect from the data source you lose all automatic change tracking. So why use LINQ to SQL objects and not distributed DataSets?


If you're ready to jump off the cliff there's some really good information in the MSDN Library on how to set up LINQ to SQL in distributed applications. There are a variety of ways to handle LINQ to SQL in these scenarios as the library shows. In this post I'm going to walk through the most common scenarios to get this to work with a remote .NET Windows smart client (WPF coming soon!).  This post will focus on the data access and service layer and I'll follow up with the client in the next post.


Thoughts and an example of using Linq to SQL in an N-Tier, smart client, scenario.

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