Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TFS2008 SP1 Coming soon... With all of its new features it's more a v2.1...

bharry's WebLog - Team Foundation Server 2008 SP1 Preview

"The stream of new stuff coming out for VS/VSTS/TFS 2008 continues! - see my recent post on an update to the TFS Power Tools.  It is time for me to tell you about what is coming in TFS 2008 SP1.  The release of the Beta is very close (as always, don't ask me for a date but if you want to play with it when it comes out, start figuring out how you are going to find the time :)).

TFS 2008 SP1 is going to be another fantastic release.  In TFS 2005 SP1, we started the tradition of adding small, tactical features that address common customer requests or enable delivering new value out of band.  In TFS 2008 SP1, that practice has gone into overdrive and we are delivering a ton of great new stuff for you.  Keeping with the theory that an SP should always be better (more stable, faster, etc) than what came before it, we continue to focus on tactical "low risk" improvements that are primarily based on customer feedback.  We leave the big game changing, major new scenario features for our major releases.


In addition to a long list of bug fixes (which I plan to publish when we get closer to SP1 release), there is an amazing list of new features.  The new features in TFS 2008 SP1 include:


Looks like TFS2008 SP1 is going to be a major release (okay more like a minor .1 release, but you get the idea).

Tons of new features and and lots polishing. And IMHO it feels that the features are based on real world usage feedback. I found myself saying, "Oh yeah, I've so wanted that..." a number of times as I read through Brian's list.

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