Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Web Client Development Download Day from Microsoft

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Composite Library for .NET Framework 3.5

"This library provides reusable application blocks for creating composite responsive Web clients. The reference implementation includes How-to topics and patterns."

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Contextual AutoComplete Application Block for .NET Framework 3.5

"This application block provides guidance on how to provide a list of suggested values to the end user of your application during data input. The application block includes a QuickStart, How-to topics, and patterns."

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Model View Presenter Application Block for .NET Framework 3.5

"This application block provides guidance on how to create testable ASP.NET user interfaces. The application block includes a QuickStart, How-to topics, and patterns."

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Modularity Application Block for .NET Framework 3.5

"This application block provides guidance on how to create modular composite user interfaces. The application block includes a QuickStart, How-to topics, and patterns."

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Responsive Composite Reference Implementation for .NET Framework 3.5

"This reference implementation provides guidance on how to improve responsiveness with composite ASP.NET user interfaces. The reference implementation includes How-to topics and patterns."

Microsoft Downloads - Web Client Search Application Block for .NET Framework 3.5

"This application block provides guidance on how to improve UI search patterns. The application block includes a QuickStart, How-to topics, and patterns."

I don't do much web development these days, but I thought this blast of downloads deserved a mention... (FYI, there are .Net 2.0 versions of many of these too)

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