Sunday, April 27, 2008

Your chance to code up your own Terminator... Enter RoboChamps

Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson - RoboChamps – Online, Virtual Robot Competition

"Most robotic competitions are fairly expensive to enter. The hardware is expensive, hard to assemble and tends to break at the worst possible times. They are lots of fun for hardware geeks but not as much fun for software geeks. RoboChamps is different – RoboChamps is mostly about the software!

The idea is that there are different challenges modeled in a simulator. Participants have simulated robots to program to solve the challenge. The prizes (there have to be prizes) include actual physical robots. From the RoboChamps home page:

RoboChamps consist of a series of challenges. Each challenge comes with a 3-D simulation environment, a robot, a challenge scenario, and the rules for completing the scenario. From there, it’s up to your creativity and coding skills. Using .NET, code your robot to complete the challenge successfully, and submit an entry to the RoboChamps League. A referee service will be running to make sure the rules are being followed, determine your score and send it back to


 Coding4Fun - My robot can totally beat up your robot


Microsoft launched a new contest called RoboChamp which is a simulated robotics competition. 

By using Robotics Developer Studio 2008, you have the ability to write code or use an xbox 360 controller.

If you need some help getting started, RoboChamps has a detailed instructions area


Oh my, that is just officially cool!

What a cool way to "encourage" people to install the Robotics Studio 2008 CTP. (Well it worked for me... downloading it now   ;)

And here's my RoboCard (my not come through in feed sub's since it's iframe based)

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