Re-inventing The Wheel - Tool: Editing File Associations for ClickOnce Applications
"I apologize for taking so long between posts. I have an excuse: very busy working on Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Beta). For those of you who have downloaded the beta, this post won't do you much good, as the ability to set file associations for ClickOnce applications is already built in there. But for the rest of you, I've built a Visual Studio package based on upon a prototype I worked on for the Beta.
About the package: The package exposes an editor to work with file associations in the app.manifest file, as I wrote about in an earlier post. The editor tries to provide some error and warning feedback to cover the cases I mentioned in that post.
This post has a 2+ Coolness buff...
The news that this capability is baked into VS2008 SP1 and that, with the referenced package, we can use it today.
If you've ever tried to do hacks to get file extensions associations with older ClickOnce then you're really appreciate this..
Related Past Post XRef:
Finally a Supported Method to Associate a File Extension to a ClickOnce Application
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