Thursday, May 29, 2008

The latest Sysinternals utilities are just a URL away,


"What is this?

This is a file share allowing access to all Sysinternals utilities. We have developed this to test an alternate distribution mechanism for our utilities.

This will allow you to run these tools from any computer connected to the Internet without having to navigate to a webpage, download and extract the zip file.

If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Windows Sysinternals, it is highly recommended that you visit the website at before using these tools.

If you have any questions or comments on this file share, please email


The Microsoft Windows Sysinternals Team" [About This Site.txt leached in full]

That rocks. This will make it SO much easier to get the latest and greatest Sysinternals tool of choice.

Now if only they were to Live Mesh this so I could get a locally sync'ed/offline'able version of the utilities that was always up to date... ;)

(via Ed Bott's Windows Expertise - Sysinternals Live goes live)


Update #1 5/29/2008 @ 11:10 AM (PDT):

Even cooler, you can access via UNC! (i.e. via webdav)



Now THAT's a nice touch!

(via Blog de David Sebban [MSFT] - \\\tools)

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